What are the Sustainable Development Goals, and how will they impact MPA practitioners and decision-makers?

Perspective: Mexico designates three large multiple-use MPAs to protect marine life and fishing communities

By Juan E. Bezaury-Creel, David Gutiérrez-Carbonell, and César Sánchez-Ibarra

On 7 December 2016, during the 13th Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP13) held in Cancún, the Mexican Government designated three new MPAs totaling 647,015 km2. All three sites are multiple-use biosphere reserves, with some zones that are strictly protected (no-take) and others that are sustainably managed.

From the Editor: How to pay for marine conservation and management

From the Editor: How to pay for marine conservation and management

Please join us for two webinars on innovative finance mechanisms for marine conservation and management, based on some of MEAM’s recent coverage of these topics.