Webinar on EBM in practice: recording available

An audio recording of the 13 January 2011 webinar on EBM in practice along the US west coast, co-presented by MEAM and the EBM Tools Network, is available at www.ebmtools.org/about_ebm/meam.html. The webinar featured the work of the West Coast EBM Network, a partnership of community-based initiatives focused on proactive management of local coastal ecosystems (www.westcoastebm.org).

Making marine conservation a preferable option for decision-makers

A new report describes strategies for making marine conservation a viable and financially attractive option for decision-makers. The 40-page guide Economic Incentives for Marine Conservation proposes three approaches – buyouts, conservation agreements, and alternative livelihoods – and features 27 case studies to illustrate the strategies in practice. It is published by the Science-to-Action Partnership, which is led by Conservation International and comprises more than 75 organizations. The guide is at http://science2action.org/files/s2a/economicincentivesguidebook.pdf.

Report: strategies for marine and coastal adaptation to climate change

A new report describes emerging ideas on how best to manage marine and coastal ecosystems to adapt to changing climate conditions. Published by EcoAdapt, an NGO, the guide provides an overview of key climate change impacts on natural and man-made environments in marine and coastal North America, and reviews adaptation options available to and in use by resource managers. The State of Marine and Coastal Adaptation in North America: A Synthesis of Emerging Ideas is available at www.cakex.org/virtual-library/1615.

Future sustainability of Arctic environment depends on EBM and spatial planning

The Arctic region is experiencing major ecological shifts due to global climate change, and its future sustainability depends on the institution of a new conservation and development plan based on EBM and marine spatial planning, according to a new report by the Aspen Institute, an international think tank. “Failure to plan for holistic, ecosystem-based management of all the various expanding economic activities in the Arctic will almost assuredly lead to regrettable environmental impacts, as well as otherwise preventable disputes or conflicts in proposed uses,” states the report. The Shared Future: A Report of the Aspen Institute Commission on Arctic Climate Change is available at www.aspeninstitute.org/policy-work/energy-environment/our-policy-work/dialogue-commission-arctic-climate-change.
Workshop on role of

MPAs in fisheries management

On 29-31 March 2011, a meeting in Bergen, Norway, will examine new findings and strategies for integrating MPAs in fisheries management, specifically as part of applying an ecosystem approach to fisheries. The workshop “Exploring the Role of MPAs in Reconciling Fisheries Management with Conservation” is co-sponsored by the Institute of Marine Research (Norway), the Norwegian Fishery Forum for Development Cooperation, the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, the Nordic Council of Ministers, FAO, and UNEP. Attendance will be limited to 120 people. The workshop website is www.imr.no/om_havforskningsinstituttet/arrangementer/konferanser/mpafish2011/en.