- New report describes expected impacts of climate change on global ocean economy
- Ocean acidification could cost US fisheries, tourism, and coastal communities billions
- Ocean deoxygenation increasingly threatens species and ecosystems
- Global wave patterns will change drastically with further global warming
- New research able to link frequency of most damaging hurricanes to climate change
- New study assesses changes in fish distribution due to climate change
- Draft treaty on conservation and sustainable use of high seas marine life available for review
- Wales publishes new national marine plan
- New tool helps coastal cities identify financial, political, ecological risks from climate change
- New underwater robotic gliders measure ocean noise levels
- New tool tracks vessels at high risk for IUU fishing
- Project will enable study of environmental changes on ocean microbes
- Larval fish eating microplastics in their nursery habitats
- Latest studies suggest Arctic Ocean may be ice-free for part of year by 2044
- Oldest and thickest Arctic Ocean sea ice disappearing twice as fast as other sea ice
- Input requested on coastal management challenges, will inform US national research investments