Custom Solutions

In addition to our core programs, OCTO offers a range of field-leading consulting services — providing tailored solutions to meet your conservation and resource management needs, from site-level to global.
Each of our Custom Solutions is supported by OCTO’s objective analysis, global networks, and decades of experience serving the marine field.
In the past five years, our consulting services have:
- Won the UNDP Ocean Innovation Challenge
- Built the first roadmap of the MPA field’s knowledge needs
- Guided national policies on ocean plastic
- Innovated tourism management for MPAs
OCTO’s clients and funders have included, among others, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Commonwealth Secretariat, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, GIZ (German Development Agency), GOPA, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, GRID-Arendal, Gulf & Caribbean Fisheries Institute, IUCN, Marine Conservation Institute, Marisla Foundation, NOAA, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, The Nature Conservancy, The Ocean Foundation, The Paul M. Angell Family Foundation, UN Environment Programme, UNESCO, University of California, University of Washington, and Vulcan.
For more information on how OCTO can help your organization, email us at If we can’t help you, we’ll work to connect you to others in our networks who can.
Our consulting services include:
- Tailored conservation and resource management strategies
- Mentoring for ocean professionals
- Web platforms
- Webinar series
- Publications
- Studies and reports
- Surveys
- Policy papers
- Newsletters
- Management guidelines
- In-person and online events
- Convening regional and global communities of practice around specific topics