- Seychelles finalizes plan to protect 30% of its EEZ, ~400,000 sq. km
- Great Barrier Reef suffers most widespread mass bleaching to date
- Silt and nutrient runoff from Australian wildfires likely to impact coastal ecosystems
- Study identifies 10 priority sites for protecting biodiversity in ABNJ
- Climate change may shift where marine aquaculture can take place
- Many highly mobile species cannot keep up with climate change in hotspots
- New tool for mapping shallow seafloor discovered
- Floating solar technology for coastal ocean taking big steps forward
- Paper examines inequities in distribution of ocean goods and services
- International fisheries agreements do not consider stock shifts
- Scientists find evidence for seasonal migrations on deep seafloor
- Current 50-year floods may occur annually for most of coastal US before 2050
- Study suggests marine ecosystems could largely recover by 2050 if major pressures mitigated (read publication)
- Tropical ocean ecosystems may collapse within decade without greenhouse gas emission reductions (read publication)
- Experts estimate $175 billion a year needed to achieve SDG 14
- New taxonomy of conservation finance strategies and mechanisms available
- Overview and recommendations for resilience-based management available
- Coral atlases for Western Micronesia now available
- And, of course, the Trump administration continues to roll back environmental regulations in the US
Some more marine debris-related news and resources:
- US EPA orders state (Hawaii) to consider plastic pollution when evaluating water quality
- 914 marine species documented to have become entangled in or eaten marine debris
- Artificial intelligence predicts how different types of plastic degrade in ocean
- Major plastic polluters taken to court in US to remediate harm from plastic pollution
- Marine plastics harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria
- Bubble barriers can capture majority of plastic pollution in some rivers
- Most types of plastic packaging economically impossible to recycle now and in foreseeable future in US
- The trials and travails of the Ocean Cleanup’s latest plastic collection device
Some more climate change-related news and resources:
- Recent publication reviews current understanding of marine species’ range shifts, ecological consequence, and outstanding questions (read publication)
- Ocean captures twice as much carbon dioxide as previously thought
- WMO 2019 report tracks decline of key climate indicators including ocean heat content, global sea level, and ocean acidification
- US NOAA releases 2019 Arctic Report Card
- Genomic tool may help identify coral reefs that can adapt to climate change
And some other recent news articles that caught our attention: