by John Davis | Mar 15, 2011
Independent reviews of the Australian program to help fishers displaced by rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park show the program suffered both from uncontrolled costs and widespread dissatisfaction among stakeholders. Managed by the Australian government...
by John Davis | Mar 15, 2011
A Colombian MPA has taken legal action against the country’s National Agency of Hydrocarbons (ANH) to stop undersea exploration for petroleum within the site’s boundaries. Management of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve and Marine Protected Area learned from...
by John Davis | Mar 15, 2011
On 1 January of this year, in a move to protect the world’s last large stocks of tuna from overfishing, a 4.5 million-km2 area in the western tropical Pacific Ocean was closed to purse seine fishing. The vast closure, in which limited longlining will still be...
by John Davis | Mar 15, 2011
Dear MPA News, In your January/February 2011 issue, Jay Nelson responded to remarks that I previously made regarding global MPA coverage and the role of large MPAs in ocean protection (“Letters to the Editor: Large MPAs are essential”, MPA News 12:4). He...
by John Davis | Mar 15, 2011
Measures taken to halt expansion of bottom fisheries in 16 million square miles of North Pacific In March 2011, negotiations among seven nations to formalize fisheries management in the North Pacific resulted in several interim conservation measures to protect...