MPA News
Building Resilience: Communicating Bleaching Incidents to Stakeholders
This “Building Resilience” feature is contributed by the Reef Resilience program of The Nature Conservancy ( The program provides guidance on building resilience to climate change into MPA design. By Rebecca Cerroni, Reef Resilience Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy When corals bleach or suffer other effects of climate change, managers need to be able to communicate these incidents to their constituents, including dive operators, fishers, tourists, and government agencies. Whom should you contact first? Your immediate audience should be those who are dependent on the reef, such as dive operators. They will be the first to see the bleaching firsthand…
UK Designates MPA around Chagos Archipelago, But No Decision Yet on How Much Will Be No-Take
On 1 April, the UK Government announced its designation of a marine protected area around the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, also known as the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). The 636,600-km2 MPA, which comprises the archipelago’s Exclusive Economic Zone and territorial waters, has been touted as the largest MPA in the world.* However, despite international news reports that the entire MPA will be a giant no-take zone, the degree to which fishing will be restricted at the site remains unclear. At the time of designation, UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband stated the MPA “will include” a no-take marine…
Special Section: Experiences in MPA Enforcement, Part II: More Tools and Strategies
Having to enforce an MPA’s regulations is more expensive than having the public comply voluntarily with those rules. Hence, public education about the need for an MPA – and the various benefits the MPA could provide to stakeholders over time – can be invaluable for both protecting the site and lowering management costs. In general, where there is broad public support for an MPA’s goals, the odds of its success are greatest. Unfortunately, there are few if any MPAs where 100% compliance with regulations is the case. So some degree of enforcement becomes necessary to stop illegal or simply negligent…
MPA Perspective: International Challenges for the Establishment of MPAs in the Dutch North Sea
Editor’s note: Ton IJlstra is project leader for adoption of fisheries measures in MPAs managed within the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Food Quality. By Ton IJlstra North Sea coastal states have identified marine protected areas in their offshore areas. This has been done by request of the European Commission (EC) within the context of the increasing importance of nature conservation in the European Union. Within the MPAs, conservation objectives have been established. Fishing activities (especially bottom trawling) constitute the most important threat to these objectives. However, measures to reduce adverse effects by fishing activities are not simple….
Notes & News
In memoriam: John R. Clark John R. Clark, an early leader in the fields of MPA management and coastal zone management, passed away of a heart attack on 5 April 2010. Twenty-five years ago, Clark co-authored (with Rod Salm) one of the first books on MPA practice – Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A Guide for Planners and Managers. Known as “the Orange Book” for its distinctive covers, the guide went through three editions (most recently in 2000) and remains a trove of lessons and experience. In the past decade, Clark became a regular source of guidance and encouragement to…
MPA Education Spotlight: Taking students snorkeling in MPAs
New Zealand schoolchildren are being taught to snorkel in marine reserves as part of a program to raise awareness of, and appreciation for, the country’s marine biodiversity. The snorkeling program, in operation since 2002, has worked with more than 7000 primary (elementary) school students so far. It is offered by the Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) program of the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust, supported by the NZ Department of Conservation. The EMR program serves to generate community support for the designation of MPAs. “Marine reserves do a great job of inspiring our students into action,” says Program Director Samara Nicholas….
MPA Tip: On the importance of long time frames for building trust
Designated in 2005, the Urok Islands Marine Protected Area is Guinea Bissau’s first community MPA. It is the fruit of 15 years of work by Tiniguena, a local NGO, in collaboration with local communities and institutions, the Fondation Internationale du Banc d’Arguin (FIBA), and other national and international partners. Lessons from planning and managing the Urok community MPA are documented in the report Live from Urok! Urok Islands Community Marine Protected Area: Lessons Learned and Impacts, available at Below is an excerpt of one of the report’s key lessons from Urok, on building confidence and trust in the local…
Building Resilience: Put a bleaching response plan on your to-do list
Editor’s note: This “Building Resilience” feature is contributed by the Reef Resilience program of The Nature Conservancy ( The program provides guidance on building resilience to climate change into the design of MPAs. By Rebecca Cerroni, Reef Resilience Project Manager, The Nature Conservancy Over the past six months, from the Great Barrier Reef to the Florida Keys, coral reef MPA managers have held their collective breath as vessel groundings and extreme cold snaps have affected coral reefs within protected areas. In disasters and bleaching situations, what can coral reef managers do? Managers should prepare for such events by developing response…
MPA Enforcement: How Practitioners Are Developing New Tools, Strategies, and Partnerships
Managing a marine protected area means managing people. If people do not comply with the regulations in place to protect an MPA’s resources, the MPA will most likely fail to meet its goals. Education can play a major role in encouraging compliance, both by building community support for conservation and by informing the public about the penalties for noncompliance. But in cases where education is not enough, enforcement becomes necessary. Enforcement – including surveillance and policing – can take many forms, depending on the budget and expertise available to MPA management and the geographic characteristics of the MPA. In November…
Managing a Changing Set of Enforcement Challenges: Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Philippines
In December 2007, MPA News spoke with Angelique Songco, manager of the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park in the Philippines, about enforcement challenges her offshore MPA faced (MPA News 9:6). A Chinese fishing vessel had been caught poaching hundreds of live fish in the no-take MPA one year before. Songco spoke of the delays in prosecution of the case, leading to the Chinese crew members becoming part of Palawan society while they awaited trial. Recently we checked back with her to see how the prosecution – and enforcement in general in Tubbataha – were going: MPA News: Two years ago we…