Letter to the editor: Turning science into policy

Letter to the editor: Turning science into policy

Dear MEAM,

I'm writing with regard to your article "Turning science into policy: What scientists should (and should not) do when talking to policy-makers" (MEAM 8: 3).

Career scientists may have a pretty high comfort level with placing some theoretical constructs between the data and their functional interpretation. It's one of the best ways to make a career, in fact. However, in the policy-making world, the comfort level with such practices is much lower. There are several reasons, although "policy-makers are just not smart enough to understand ecological theory" is not one of them. Part of the reason is just the opposite: policy-makers feel that may be just as good as scientists at filtering data through theoretical constructs.

Ahead of election, UK Government proposes giant MPA around Pitcairn; opposition party responds with ambitious MPA plans of its own

Perspective | Six factors to consider when deciding whether to use drones to enforce your MPA

By Jayson Horadam and Emma Doyle

In recent months, several MPA managers in the Caribbean region have been approached by various firms that produce drone technology.  These firms have marketed the potential benefits of air- or sea-based drones to MPA management, particularly with regard to enforcement.  (We acknowledge that drones may also be of use in environmental monitoring of MPAs, but we focus here on the enforcement implications.)

Drones remain a relatively new technology, and few MPA managers have direct experience with them yet.  In this light, some of the MPA managers who have been approached asked us for our input on the value of drones.  We are providing our advice here in hopes that it may be of use to the broader MPA community, beyond just the Caribbean.