OCTO and its services (The Skimmer, EBM Tools Network, OpenChannels.org, MPA News, and more) are currently scheduling their 2020 webinar series. If there any topics you would like to see covered or presenters that you would like to hear from, please let us know at skimmer@secure308.inmotionhosting.com/~octogr5!
Examples of topics we have covered in the past year (recordings available) include:
- New opportunities for reducing coastal risk with natural defenses
- Financing coral reef conservation and management with tourism-related tools
- Conservation targets and how much of the world do we need to protect?
- A toolkit for managing cultural resources in marine protected areas
- The impact of human-caused ocean noise pollution on fish, invertebrates, and ecosystem services
- Managing the ocean in real-time: Tools for dynamic management
- Unmanned systems (UxS): Transforming how we study and manage the marine environment
- Not all those who wander are lost – Fishers communities’ responses to shifts in the distribution and abundance of fish resources
See the full list of upcoming webinars and find recordings of previous webinars.