Upcoming Webinars
30 x30? What about the other 70%? Cumulative analysis of place-based marine regulations for a more holistic marine protection picture
Wednesday, May 14, 1 pm US EDT/10 am US PDT/5 pm UTC. Presented by: Claire Colegrove and Alex Driedger of ProtectedSeas. Description: While hundreds of nations have committed to the global 30×30 target, much work remains to reach that goal and sustainably manage the remaining 70%. Regulatory protections are crucial for marine management efficacy, and accurate data on in-place management measures are essential for assessing existing marine protections and informing the creation of new areas. However, collecting and interpreting marine regulations can be challenging due to often unavailable or difficult-to-access legal instruments. Overlapping measures and siloed management add further complexities. ProtectedSeas Navigator contains data on worldwide regulations for MPAs, fishery management areas, and other place-based marine managed areas (MMAs) and considers restrictions cumulatively across overlapping areas using spatial aggregation techniques to provide insights into overall protection. This cumulative analysis of regulations in overlapping marine managed areas offers insights into overall uses and protection across ocean spaces, enabling better protection assessments, planning, and management. As an example, initial analysis in California revealed several ocean spaces where individual MMA protections were minimal, yet when combined with protections from other overlapping MMAs, resulted in more highly regulated spaces with enhanced protection.
Past Webinars
A Toolkit for Managing Cultural Resources in Marine Protected Areas
This webinar originally aired on 2 July, 2019. What are cultural resources anyway? Often MPA managers are experts in natural resources management, and lack background…
Massively Destructive Coral Reef Damage from Giant Clam Shell Digging in the South China Sea: Birth, Death and Rebirth
This webinar originally aired on 13 June, 2019. The South China Sea supplies approximately 15% of the world’s fish and helps support ~38 million coastal…
Finance Tools for Coral Reef Conservation: An Overview
This webinar originally aired on 05 June 2019. The Wildlife Conservation Society, in collaboration with the Conservation Finance Alliance and in support of the 50…
Building Knowledge, Capacity, and Collaborations to Develop Indicators for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management in Case Studies across the World
This webinar originally aired on 22 May 2019. This webinar was presented by Beth Fulton of CSIRO and Keith Sainsbury of the University of Tasmania…
Current Actions of the West Coast Marine Debris Plans – a project of the West Coast Marine Debris Alliance
This webinar originally aired on 16 May, 2019. This webinar will provide insights and information on progress made along the US West Coast as a…
China’s Underwater Cultural Heritage in the South China Sea: Nanhai #1, A Window on the Maritime Silk Road
This webinar originally aired on 9 May, 2019. Description: Underwater Cultural Heritage can inform us about past events and seafaring cultures in powerful ways. China’s…
The impact of human-caused ocean noise pollution on fish, invertebrates, and ecosystem services
This webinar originally aired on 30 April, 2019. Most fish and invertebrates use sound for vital life functions. This presentation will summarize highlights from 115…
Managing the ocean in real-time: Tools for dynamic management
This webinar originally aired on 24 April, 2019. Description: Spatial management is a useful strategy to regulate human activities and provide protection for vulnerable species…
The effects of temperature on species distributions and community composition: Implications for Marine Protected Area management
This webinar originally aired on 11 April, 2019. Description: Recent research has shown that the geographic distributions of marine species are changing – and will…
Unmanned Systems (UxS): Transforming How We Study and Manage the Marine Environment
This webinar originally aired on 28 March, 2019. Unmanned Systems (UxS) are transforming how we study and manage the marine environment. This presentation will provide…