
Upcoming Webinars

Be a Better Coastal Adaptation Practitioner with Behavior Change

Thursday, September 19, 1 pm US EDT/10 am US PDT/5 pm UTC. Presented by: Caroly Shumway of the Center for Behavior and Climate (CBC). Description: How do you motivate people to respond to adaptation messages and reduce their risk? The key is to feel that they can actually do something and that their action matters — what behavioral scientists call perceived behavioral control and response efficacy, respectively. Three years ago, the Center for Behavior and Climate’s webinar described nine principles behind behavior change for climate action for the oceans and beyond. In this webinar, the Center for Behavior and Climate will show you how to incorporate behavioral tools into your coastal adaptation efforts to improve the likelihood of success for community projects and policy initiatives alike. After learning about the behavior change process, we will teach you five evidence-based techniques (social norms, efficacy, legacy motivation, nudge, and framing to reach different audiences). Synthesizing the latest behavioral science from academics to practitioners, this transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary webinar offers a preview of CBC’s first-of-its-kind online course on Behavior Change for Climate Adaptation. Expected outcomes are increased understanding of how to apply behavior change in your own work.

Past Webinars

Finding the Right Tool(s) for Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning

Many coastal natural resource managers and communities have begun to plan for the impacts of climate change on their local ecosystems and infrastructure. Practitioners are finding it difficult to select tools suited to their needs and capacities, however, because of the wide variety of tools, the difficulty of finding easily-understandable information about tool functions, and the lack of ways to compare different tools (e.g. their functionality, data and training requirements, and strengths and limitations). The EBM Tools Network released a decision guide, Tools for Coastal Climate Adaptation Planning, in early March. The guide provides information on a set of key tools for multi-sector climate-related planning (i.e. planning which incorporates both ecosystem health and human well-being concerns), explains and illustrates the utility and role of tools in planning, and outlines a process for selecting appropriate tools for a projects. This webinar will provide a short overview of resources provided in the guide (tool matrix, other tool information, case studies, etc.) and use the remaining time for answering questions from participants about the guide and incorporating climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning tools into planning processes. A number of tool experts will also be on hand to answer questions about specific tools described in the guide….

Demonstration of Monitoring Resources

MonitoringResources.org, developed by the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership, is a suite of tools that helps investigators plan and implement effective, efficient…….