MPA Nomenclature: The Thicket of Terms and Definitions Continues to Grow

Hurricane Waves Level MPA Noted for Conservation Effectiveness

Storm waves of 30 feet (9 meters) in height destroyed as much as 80% of the coral cover in some areas of the Soufrière Marine Management Area (SMMA) off the Caribbean island of St. Lucia on November 17. The SMMA, profiled in a 1997 Coral Reefs (16:150) article for one...
MPA Nomenclature: The Thicket of Terms and Definitions Continues to Grow

Project Aims to Network North American MPAs

Representatives from Canada, Mexico, and the US met in November to discuss plans for a project to improve information exchange and build conservation capacity among marine protected areas in the three countries. Called the North American MPA Network, the project is...