by John Davis | Jan 18, 2013
The year 2012 was a noteworthy one for the MPA world, both for things that happened (like Australia’s designation of an enormous new national MPA system) or, in some cases, did not (like Antarctic managers’ failure to designate a Southern Ocean MPA system...
by John Davis | Jan 18, 2013
Jeff Ardron of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, based in Germany (, spends a lot of time thinking about the high seas. He is active in no fewer than three distinct processes to identify ecologically important marine sites,...
by John Davis | Jan 18, 2013
In our November/December 2012 issue, MPA News described how the World Commission on Protected Areas has recently provided greater clarity on the IUCN definition for marine protected area. Namely, some sites that previously may have been considered MPAs – such as...
by John Davis | Jan 18, 2013
By Jamie Glasgow [Editor’s note: Jamie Glasgow is director of science for the Wild Fish Conservancy (, an NGO dedicated to the recovery and conservation of wild-fish ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest region of the US.] Puget Sound...
by John Davis | Jan 18, 2013
Dear MPA News: I am writing in regard to your coverage of the October 2012 meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (“CCAMLR fails to reach consensus on Antarctic MPA proposals”, MPA News 14:3). I want to clarify...