Perspective: The MPAs of Cuba and the implications of a potential end to the US embargo
By Daria Siciliano
The ecologically rich and relatively understudied Cuban coasts have not experienced the levels of development seen in the rest of the Caribbean. This is due in large part to the US trade embargo of the country, which dates back to the early 1960s. Although the countries are divided by just 150 km of water, there has been very little trade or travel between them for 55 years.

Mentorship program in Caribbean is pairing up MPA managers across region
A program is underway in the Caribbean to build MPA management capacity through mentor relationships. The program is pairing senior MPA professionals with less-experienced practitioners in the region, and providing a small grant to each pair to support geographic...
Diseased lobsters in UK’s Lundy Marine Conservation Zone: A natural or “unnatural” result of protection?
Most ecological studies of the reserve effect of no-take zones focus on changes in abundance and diversity of marine life inside reserves: in other words, is a reserve leading to more individuals and more species inside its boundaries? However, a recent study of...