CCAMLR Fails to Make Progress in Establishing Antarctic MPAs
By Jeff Ardron (Special to MPA News)
Back-to-back special meetings of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee and Commission were held 11-16 July in Bremerhaven, Germany, to discuss MPA network proposals for the Antarctic. However, after intensive negotiations, no meaningful progress was achieved.
Perspective: In Colombia, a New MPA for Deep-Water Coral
By David Alonso Carvajal, INVEMAR
Historically, the discovery of deep-water coral reefs was usually accidental, occurring most often when the corals showed up as bycatch in trawl fisheries. In the past decade, however, the study and characterization of deep coral has grown significantly, aided in part by the interest of productive sectors – namely oil and gas – in assessing seabed resources.