Paper Parks: Why They Happen, and What Can Be Done to Change Them

Tortugas Ecological Reserve to Take Effect

The 518-sq. km Tortugas Ecological Reserve, at the western end of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (US), will take full effect on July 1, 2001. Located in two parts (Tortugas North and Tortugas South), the coral-rich reserve will be off-limits to all...
Paper Parks: Why They Happen, and What Can Be Done to Change Them

Canada to Designate MPA for Hydrothermal Vents

On June 8, the federal cabinet of the Canadian government approved a plan to designate the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents as an official marine protected area under Canada’s Oceans Act. The highly biodiverse area has been of great interest to scientists since its...
Paper Parks: Why They Happen, and What Can Be Done to Change Them

More Responses on the State of MPA Science

In last month’s MPA News, we surveyed scientists for their opinion on what recent research had done the most to improve general understanding of the science of MPAs. We asked them a single question: What has been the most noteworthy contribution to the science...