by John Davis | Jun 15, 2009
In May, the Australian government declared the area of the Coral Sea under its jurisdiction to be a “conservation zone”. Under Australian environmental law, the declaration provides interim protection while the area is assessed for possible inclusion in...
by John Davis | Jun 15, 2009
In May, the South African government announced its intent to designate a large, multiple-use MPA around the Prince Edward Islands – two islands in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean located roughly 1770 km southeast of mainland South Africa. The Prince Edward...
by John Davis | Jun 15, 2009
More than 1200 people from over 70 countries gathered in May in Washington, DC, at the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) and Second International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC2). The joint meeting provided a broad range of news and viewpoints...
by John Davis | Jun 15, 2009
The April 2009 edition of MPA News featured an article on the role of MPAs in ecosystem-based management (EBM). We invited readers to participate in an online poll on the subject, with the goal of measuring attitudes on the relationship between these management...
by John Davis | Jun 15, 2009
Large areas on Mid-Atlantic Ridge closed to bottom fisheries In April the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) closed several areas along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to bottom fisheries. The new closures total 330,000 km2 and are intended to protect deep-sea...