by John Davis | May 15, 2008
There are multiple sources of financing for MPAs, including domestic government budgets, international assistance, visitor fees, and more. While each source plays a vital role for sites worldwide, it can also be subject to fluctuation. Domestic budgets can be cut....
by John Davis | May 15, 2008
Editor’s note: Sabine Jessen is national manager of the Oceans and Great Freshwater Lakes Program for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS), an NGO. By Sabine Jessen The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) has assessed the factors delaying...
by John Davis | May 15, 2008
Editor’s note: Jan-Willem van Bochove is chief technical advisor to Coral Cay Conservation, a UK-based NGO that works to sustain livelihoods and alleviate poverty through protection and restoration of coral reefs and tropical forests. By Jan-Willem van Bochove...
by John Davis | May 15, 2008
Dear MPA News: Upon reading the April 2008 issue of MPA News, I was surprised, if not somewhat dismayed, at the unduly rosy description you gave of the Red Sea Marine Peace Park (RSMPP). I conducted research on this transboundary “marine protected area”...
by John Davis | May 15, 2008
UK proposes network of MPAs The UK government has released a draft Marine Bill that sets out plans for a new network of marine conservation zones around Britain’s coast. The country aims to meet the goal of having an ecologically coherent network of well-managed...