The Big Picture: The continuing debate over the value of large vs. small MPAs, and what it means for the field

Perspective | The Commonwealth Blue Charter: From zero to fifty-three in less than a year

By Jeff Ardron

One unseasonably warm April afternoon this year in London, I sat in a packed media center watching five foreign ministers from Commonwealth countries explain why their governments were going to become ‘Commonwealth Blue Charter Champions.’ It was a pinch-me moment. One full day before fifty-three Commonwealth Heads of Government were due to adopt the Commonwealth Blue Charter, and already ministers were stepping forward to lead on it!

The Big Picture: The continuing debate over the value of large vs. small MPAs, and what it means for the field

Perspective | The MPAs of Central America: An introductory view of their successes, lessons learned, and ongoing challenges (first of three articles)

By Carlos A. Espinosa

The colors and warmth of the tropics make Central America unforgettable. These rich, vibrant coastal landscapes have inspired marine scientists, foreign visitors, and local inhabitants alike in their efforts to protect and conserve the most pristine marine zones throughout the region, on both the Pacific and Caribbean sides.