by John Davis | Oct 15, 2007
The 2007 edition of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, an annual assessment of the threat of extinction to Earth’s plants and animals, contains corals for the first time. Ten coral species are now on the list, including two categorized as Critically...
by John Davis | Oct 15, 2007
More than 400 people from 46 countries gathered in September in Murcia, Spain, to discuss the use of MPAs for ecosystem conservation and fisheries management, mainly in temperate waters. The European Symposium on Marine Protected Areas (
by John Davis | Oct 15, 2007
Editor’s note: Richard Kenchington is co-director of RAC Marine, a consulting firm on sustainable management of marine ecosystems and resources. From 1996-1999, he served as executive director of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority in Australia. By...
by John Davis | Oct 15, 2007
Latin American Parks Congress: 2008-2018 to be “decade of MPAs” Participants in the Second Latin American Congress on National Parks and Other Protected Areas, held earlier this month, declared the years 2008-2018 to be the “decade of MPAs”. An...
by John Davis | Oct 15, 2007
“MPA Tip” is a recurring feature in MPA News that presents advice on planning and management gathered from various publications on protected areas. The purpose is two-fold: to provide useful guidance to practitioners, and to serve as a reminder of valuable...