by John Davis | Oct 18, 2017
The concept of effectiveness comes up often in the MPA field: Aichi Target 11 calls for 10% of nations’ waters to be in effectively managed MPAs or other effective area-based conservation measures by 2020 The IUCN Green List recognizes protected areas that meet its...
by John Davis | Oct 18, 2017
From 4-8 September, MPA News attended the Fourth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC4) in the beautiful beachfront town of La Serena, Chile. In all there were 1100 attendees from 59 countries – a good turnout. The highlights of the conference,...
by John Davis | Oct 18, 2017
In Chile in September at the Fourth International MPA Congress, there was a side event on satellite-based surveillance of illegal fisheries. It was unique in that there were several Chilean naval officers in uniform in the audience. And the first speaker offered what...
by John Davis | Oct 18, 2017
New ideas on how the social sciences could change ocean conservation The current issue of Marine Ecosystems and Management, the sister newsletter of MPA News, features an article titled “New ideas on how the social sciences could change the way we do ocean...