MPA Training in a Nutshell: On the importance of reflecting on achievements great and small
By Anne Nelson, Lauren Wenzel, Gabrielle Johnson, and Gonzalo Cid (IMPACT Team)
The end of a year is a great time for reflection. Often there is a slower pace and some time away from work that allows a few moments to pause and plan.
You have achievements every day in your MPAs. Yet often the challenges, threats, and constraints make us focus on what is not working instead of what is.
Notes & News: Blue Charter – Argentina – Green List – Co-management agreement – IMMAs – SE Asia – European MPAs – MPA benefits – MPA Federal Advisory Committee – Tourism – Coral restoration – Paywalled papers – MPA readings – MPA News vault
Seychelles to lead new Commonwealth Blue Charter action group on MPAs Seychelles has announced it will lead a new intergovernmental action group on marine protected areas. The action group is under the aegis of the Commonwealth Blue Charter – a coordinated push by the...Planning MPAs in an era of warming oceans: How practitioners are preparing for future ecosystem shifts
As the 2020 deadline grows nearer for nations to set aside 10% of waters in well-managed MPAs (Aichi Target 11), planners are being challenged to provide advice on what to protect and where to protect it. Climate change is making those decisions harder. As evidence...MPA Training in a Nutshell: On the MPA Rapid Vulnerability Assessment Tool
By Anne Nelson, Lauren Wenzel, and Gabrielle Johnson (IMPACT Team)
Kudos to the examples of proactive climate management in last month’s MPA News coverage. The examples from colleagues in Hawaii, Caribbean / Gulf of Mexico, Mediterranean, and Madagascar provide important lessons to consider with your MPA team as you move through your own climate assessment, adaptation planning, and plan review. Discussing these examples with your team can be a good way to start, restart, or reevaluate your climate planning process.