This webinar originally aired on 24 March 2016.

Marketing techniques, honed by the commercial sector, are inherently about getting people to change their behavior, whether it is buying a product, recycling, or supporting a new approach to management. Marketing brings together elements of psychology, sociology, economics, and graphic design to help understand people and how they make decisions and build relationships with them. Conservation and management efforts can benefit from marketing because effective conservation and management are also about getting people – resource users, resource managers, consumers, local citizens, politicians, etc. – to change their behavior. In some cases, the desired changes are ending human behaviors/activities with negative environmental impacts such as poaching. In others, it is encouraging positive behaviors such as purchasing sustainably sourced seafood. This webinar will cover what social marketing is (and isn’t), what it offers to conservation and management practitioners, and examples of social marketing being used in a marine conservation context. Read more about social marketing for conservation and management.

This webinar was presented by Diogo Veríssimo of Rare and Georgia State University, and it was co-sponsored by MEAM,, and the EBM Tools Network.