Upcoming Webinars
30 x30? What about the other 70%? Cumulative analysis of place-based marine regulations for a more holistic marine protection picture
Wednesday, May 14, 1 pm US EDT/10 am US PDT/5 pm UTC. Presented by: Claire Colegrove and Alex Driedger of ProtectedSeas. Description: While hundreds of nations have committed to the global 30×30 target, much work remains to reach that goal and sustainably manage the remaining 70%. Regulatory protections are crucial for marine management efficacy, and accurate data on in-place management measures are essential for assessing existing marine protections and informing the creation of new areas. However, collecting and interpreting marine regulations can be challenging due to often unavailable or difficult-to-access legal instruments. Overlapping measures and siloed management add further complexities. ProtectedSeas Navigator contains data on worldwide regulations for MPAs, fishery management areas, and other place-based marine managed areas (MMAs) and considers restrictions cumulatively across overlapping areas using spatial aggregation techniques to provide insights into overall protection. This cumulative analysis of regulations in overlapping marine managed areas offers insights into overall uses and protection across ocean spaces, enabling better protection assessments, planning, and management. As an example, initial analysis in California revealed several ocean spaces where individual MMA protections were minimal, yet when combined with protections from other overlapping MMAs, resulted in more highly regulated spaces with enhanced protection.
Past Webinars
Interactive panel discussion on utility and feasibility of cleaning up ocean plastics
In this interactive panel discussion, three experts on ocean plastics will discuss the utility and feasibility of marine debris cleanup, and will take audience questions…
Building Capacity to Sustainably Manage Increasing Recreational Uses in MPAs
Recreational uses of MPAs are expanding rapidly in the US and around the globe. While promising many benefits to users and the sites..
Marine and Coastal Datasets of Biodiversity Importance
This webinar originally aired on July 1, 2014. The availability and appropriate use of marine and coastal data form the foundation of effective decision-making. The…
Preparing for Disaster at MPAs
The presentation will focus on the need to consider disaster response planning for marine protected areas using the example of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) in Mississippi…
Principles for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Marine Planning: Training #1
Marine planning is a comprehensive, integrated, and complex process that often seeks to coordinate decisions and activities across numerous ocean stakeholders…
Listening to our Sanctuaries: Understanding and Reducing the Impacts of Underwater Noise in Marine Protected Areas
This webinar originally aired on May 8, 2014 Presenter(s): Leila Hatch of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Click Here to view on YOUTUBE
Toolkit for Engaging Local Communities in MPA Management
This webinar originally aired on April 10, 2014. Presenter(s): UM Graduate Students Click here to View on YouTube
Global Ocean Refuge System to Protect Marine Life Worldwide (GLORES)
This webinar originally aired on Mar 13, 2014. Presenter(s): Lance Morgan of Marine Conservation Institute
Monitoring and Evaluation of spatially managed Marine Areas
This webinar originally aired on February 25, 2014. Created by the European Community, the MESMA framework is a step-wise approach to the evaluation and monitoring…
Ecosystem Services Harmonization in Theory and Practice
The scientific community and policy makers recognize marine and coastal ecosystem services (MCES) as extremely important for human survival…