by John Davis | Aug 1, 2019 | Past Webinars
This webinar originally aired on 1 August, 2019. A new study just published in Nature Climate Change shows that management that takes evolution and adaptation into account can help rescue coral reefs from the effects of climate change. The results indicate that...
by John Davis | Jul 17, 2019 | Past Webinars
This webinar originally aired on 17 July, 2019. Coral reefs provide enormous economic value to humanity, and their value for recreation is one of the easiest to capture financially. This webinar will explore the range of existing and emerging tools that protected...
by John Davis | Jul 11, 2019 | Past Webinars
This webinar originally aired on 11 July, 2019. What should global conservation targets be beyond 2020? The Beyond the Aichi Targets Task Force, appointed by the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, is trying to answer this question and is developing a framework...
by John Davis | Jul 2, 2019 | Past Webinars
This webinar originally aired on 2 July, 2019. What are cultural resources anyway? Often MPA managers are experts in natural resources management, and lack background in managing cultural resources. The Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee (MPAFAC)...
by John Davis | Jun 13, 2019 | Past Webinars
This webinar originally aired on 13 June, 2019. The South China Sea supplies approximately 15% of the world’s fish and helps support ~38 million coastal residents. Part of this production system includes more than 3,800 square kilometers of the world’s most diverse...
by John Davis | Jun 5, 2019 | Past Webinars
This webinar originally aired on 05 June 2019. The Wildlife Conservation Society, in collaboration with the Conservation Finance Alliance and in support of the 50 Reefs initiative, recently released “Finance Tools for Coral Reef Conservation: A Guide” as a...