Marine Heatwaves – Trends, Impacts Attribution, and Software
Extreme climate and weather events shape the structure of biological systems and affect the biogeochemical functions and services they provide for society.
Tackling ghost gear in hot spot areas: How innovative partnerships are helping developing countries address lost and abandoned fishing gear
This webinar originally aired on October 18, 2018 Presenter(s): Ingrid Giskes and Joel Baziuk of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative, Nick Mallos from Ocean Conservancy’s Trash Free Seas®...Implications of climate change for managing coastal and marine protected habitats and species
Climate change is already affecting a wide range of marine and coastal conservation features (habitats, species, and communities).
Managing Global Acidification on a Regional Scale: How the US Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Coastal Acidification Networks (MACAN and NECAN) Are Working to Understand Impacts through Partnerships.
The chemistry of the ocean is changing. Carbon dioxide released through emissions and deforestation is absorbed and dissolved into the ocean.