Monitoring and Evaluation of spatially managed Marine Areas
This webinar originally aired on February 25, 2014. Created by the European Community, the MESMA framework is a step-wise approach to the evaluation and monitoring of spatially managed marine areas. The framework provides guidance on the selection, mapping, and...
Ecosystem Services Harmonization in Theory and Practice
The scientific community and policy makers recognize marine and coastal ecosystem services (MCES) as extremely important for human survival…

Valuing Ecosystem Services in the Face of Climate Change in North Carolina and Hawaii
To correctly value ecosystem services both today and when considering future climate change and adaptation strategies…

Coastal Resilience 2.0
Coastal Resilience 2.0 is a suite of interactive tools to help decision-makers assess risk and identify nature-based solutions to reduce socio-economic vulnerability to coastal hazards…

MPAs as Sentinel Sites
“Sentinel sites” are areas with the capacity for sustained ocean observations to track environmental change. Within national marine sanctuaries…