Manual Offers Quick Reference for Management Strategies

Manual Offers Quick Reference for Management Strategies

The US Man and the Biosphere Program, a federal multiagency initiative, has published a reference manual to help MPA practitioners develop user-access strategies. It is a product of a five-year, peer-reviewed project to assess impacts of various MPA management...
Manual Offers Quick Reference for Management Strategies

New Book, Website Provide MPA Inventory for British Columbia

With each year’s designation of new marine protected areas around the world, analysis of the coverage fostered by this patchwork of MPAs is becoming increasingly difficult. For managers to assess gaps in habitat protection, they must first document where MPAs...
Manual Offers Quick Reference for Management Strategies

MPA Perspective: MPA Revenue Generation and the User Fee Option

By Kreg Lindberg, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

As illustrated in the recent MPA News article on self-financing (March 2001), user fees like the US$10 dive fee at Bonaire can make important contributions to the funding of MPAs. Nonetheless, there are several conceptual and practical issues facing MPA managers when deciding whether to charge fees. This article briefly discusses some of these issues in the context of user fees at Belizean MPAs.