President Trump orders review processes that could lead to weakened protections for existing MPAs
In late April, US President Donald Trump issued two executive orders that carry potentially significant implications for several of the country’s MPAs, including its largest ones. Both orders could lead to weakened protection for sites. A review of Marine National...
Perspective: When is fishing allowed in an MPA?
By Jon Day
Broad pronouncements are sometimes made (wrongly) that “fishing is not allowed in an MPA.” The reality is, as shown in the accompanying figure, there are various types of MPAs and some do allow fishing.

MPA Science Corner: Code of conduct – MPA network planning – Scaling – Automated detection techniques
These recent articles on MPA-related science and policy are all open access. Article: “An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation”, Marine Policy 81, 411-418 (2017) Finding: Poor governance and social issues can jeopardize the legitimacy and long-term...