South Africa Designates 180,000-km2 MPA; Will Be Enforced Jointly with Commercial Fishing Industry
In April, South Africa designated its first offshore MPA: a 180,000-km2 site surrounding two small sub-Antarctic islands. Located nearly 1800 km southeast of the country’s mainland, the new Prince Edward Islands MPA is intended to protect the millions of...
Perspective: An Overview of the Gilbert Bay MPA Oil Spill Case and Successful Prosecution of the Company at Fault
By Corey J. Morris and Lee-Ann V. Conrod
An oil spill inside a Canadian Marine Protected Area (MPA) and subsequent legal actions generated considerable interest recently in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The successful prosecution of the offending company illustrates how the particular circumstances of an MPA can inform such cases.

MAIA: Profile of a New Network of MPA Managers in the Northeast Atlantic
MPAs that exist in the same general region often share similar ecosystem features and management challenges. In that light, the idea behind building regional networks of MPA managers is to help these practitioners share their common experience and best practices, and...
Notes & News: IMPAC3 – Deep-water coral MPA – California – Business model for reserves – MPA effectiveness
The website of the Third International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC3), scheduled from 21-27 October in Marseille and Corsica, France, is up and running at www.impac3.org. In addition to providing information on the conference, the website aims to offer content on MPA developments worldwide, as well as ocean conservation in general. To fulfill that aim, the congress organizers invite the MPA community to submit news, photos and videos reflecting the full diversity of MPAs, related programs, research, events, and techniques around the world. "IMPAC3 is a congress for and by the MPA community: we all stand to gain from pooling experience and knowledge," says Paul Gouin, who is handling communications and multimedia for IMPAC3. To share content, contact him at paul.gouin@aires-marines.fr