Working Across Agency Lines to Improve Visitor Use Management on United States Public Lands and Waters
The United States has a diverse system of national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges, marine protected areas, estuarine research reserves…

Educating the Public about Climate Change Threats Using Role-Play Simulations: The New England Climate Adaptation Project
Role-play simulations are experiential exercises that help community residents and decision-makers learn more about the scientific..

A Guide to Tools for Landscape Conservation Planning
Tribal, agency, conservation organization, and private sector managers are engaged in landscape-scale planning to conserve and sustainably manage natural…

The Baltimore Water Wheel as a solution to ocean plastics
This one-hour webinar answered your questions about how Baltimore’s Inner Harbor Water Wheel works as a debris collection mechanism and whether a similar system might be applicable to watershed cleanup programs elsewhere…

A Cultural Resources Toolkit for MPA Managers
The Cultural Heritage Resources Working Group of the MPA Federal Advisory Committee is creating a virtual toolkit for coastal and MPA managers on cultural resource management