
Upcoming Webinars

Insights and tools for combining governance approaches for more effective and equitable MPAs

Tuesday, October 1, 10 am US EDT/7 am US PDT/2 pm UTC/3 pm BST/4 pm CEST. Presented by: Peter Jones of University College London. Description: The MPA Governance Project has analyzed 50 MPA case studies in 24 countries (Open Access source here) and finds : 1) a strong correlation between the effectiveness of MPAs and the number of governance incentives used; 2) that combinations of economic, legal, communication, knowledge and participatory incentives are employed in effective MPAs and mostly needed in less effective MPAs; and 3) that there are no ‘magic wand’ incentives or ‘best practice’ combinations of incentives that guarantee MPA effectiveness. This webinar will provide an overview of the 50 case studies through the conceptual lens of coevolutionary governance of social-ecological systems, discussing generally applicable findings and the wider importance of functionally integrated combinations of diverse incentives. It will show that effectiveness is not determined by any specific governance approaches or incentives, but rather the combination of a diversity of functionally integrated incentives, which interact with and support one another to promote MPA effectiveness and resilience, i.e. diversity is the key to resilience, both of species in ecosystems and incentives in governance systems.

The new Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS): Coordinating the global community to provide data to inform policy

Wednesday, October 23, 10 am US EDT/7 am US PDT/2 pm UTC/4 pm CEST. Presented by: Audrey Hasson of Mercator Ocean International. Description: The Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS), supported by GEO Blue Planet and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), is establishing a global ocean observing system to provide open access data on marine litter and provide coordination and guidance for the global marine debris community. An integrated global marine debris observing system is essential for accurately assessing the extent of marine debris pollution and determining mitigation actions. In the context of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee developing an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, IMDOS will foster the delivery of the necessary data to inform effective actions, set realistic targets, and develop, implement, and adjust policies. In addition, projects working on the global observation, monitoring, and forecasting of marine litter can make their work visible in the IMDOS directory of initiatives. Being part of this directory will also give practitioners direct access to all news and events that IMDOS will be organizing. For more information on the Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS) and to add information on relevant projects and initiatives, please visit https://imdos.org.

Marine Monitor (M2): Understanding and tracking human activity in nearshore coastal environments

Tuesday, October 29, 1 pm US EDT/10 am US PDT/5 pm UTC. Presented by: Samantha King and Brendan Tougher of ProtectedSeas Marine Monitor (M2). Description: The ProtectedSeas Marine Monitor (M2) system is a shore-based monitoring platform that integrates X-band marine radar, AIS, and optical cameras with custom software to autonomously track and report on vessel activity in nearshore coastal environments. M2 is used for a variety of applications by government agencies, law enforcement personnel, researchers, and NGOs to better inform decision making related to human use in and around marine managed areas. M2 has over 250 unique users from 70 organizations and has been deployed to over 30 locations in 12 countries. This webinar will present an overview of the system and some current applications and answer questions about how it can be deployed in new areas.

Past Webinars

Introducing Ocean Eye, new technology for marine ecosystem service payments

This webinar originally aired on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. Presented by: Sari Tolvanen of Ocean Eye. Description: Global studies have shown that stakeholder buy-in is the number one success factor in marine conservation, but too often coastal communities lack incentives to support conservation initiatives. Ocean Eye is a data collection and financial transfer platform that collects wildlife sighting data and transfers ecosystem service payments. The animal sighting reports are directly linked to small payments from tourists that go to coastal communities to incentivize the protection of endangered and vulnerable species. By connecting profit to purpose for the tourism operators and communities, it will shift the focus from the current unsustainable behavior of fisheries and coastal communities towards a sustainable, regenerative, and profitable new focus industry that will provide positive livelihood for the future.

Integrating Climate Change into Marine Protected Area (MPA) Management Plans

This webinar originally aired on Wednesday, July 6, 2022. Presented by: Vincenzo Corelli of l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique. Description: The highly dynamic shifts in species distributions and transformations of marine ecosystems due to climate change present significant management challenges to marine protected areas (MPAs). While climate change projections can be incorporated into the design process for new MPAs and MPA networks, adaptation is less clear for established MPAs, which were often not designed with climate change impacts in mind. This webinar will explore the results of an analysis that surveyed the integration of climate change measures in existing MPA management plans. The presenter will share what actions are already being taken by MPA managers to anticipate, adapt to, and mitigate the consequences of climate change and ensure the continued effectiveness of MPAs in a changing ocean. They will also discuss how their results create a community-sourced database of actions which other MPAs can draw upon.

Everything you wanted to know about marine OECMs (but didn’t dare to ask!)

This webinar originally aired on Thursday, June 23, 2022. Presented by: Imen Meliane, Marine OECM Lead of the IUCN-World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA); Tundi Agardy, Director of Sound Seas; and Jannica Haldin, Deputy Executive Secretary of Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission/ Helsinki Commission (HELCOM). Description: “Other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs) is a relatively new term to recognize and support existing area-based conservation efforts that contribute to biodiversity conservation outcomes but are not formally recognized and reported as protected areas. There is increasing recognition that OECMs are necessary for achieving Aichi Target 11 and post-2020 area-based conservation targets. In the marine environment, government agencies, communities, and other organizations have started assessing their potential OECMs and reporting them. Over 200 marine OECMs are now formally recognized. This webinar will introduce the concept of OECMs and outline their definition and criteria, with a focus on marine OECMs. It will also provide a practical example of how marine OECMS are being advanced alongside MPAs to further marine biodiversity protection in the Baltic Sea.

Measuring progress towards effective MPAs – indicators and tools

This webinar originally aired on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Presented by: Felipe Paredes, Marine Vice Chair of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and National Coordinator for MPAs, Ministry of Environment, Chile; Helen Klimmek, Programme Officer, UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC); and Sue Wells, Chair of the IUCN-WCPA MPA Management Effectiveness Task Force and Independent Consultant. Description: The global target of protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030 involves not only designation of more areas but also equitable and effective management of designated sites. This webinar will cover recent activity related to assessing protected area management effectiveness (PAME) of MPAs, including: 1) IUCN WCPA’s priorities for work on effectiveness and implementation of MPAs and OECMs so that they achieve conservation outcomes; 2) work to establish indicators for measuring the effectiveness of protected areas and OECMs at the global level; and 3) a brief overview of PAME assessment tools in use and in development for MPAs. Presentations will be followed by a discussion on how the MPA community can come together, share experiences, and collaboratively accelerate the effective implementation of MPAs.

Applying Behavioral Insights to Improve Marine Conservation

This webinar originally aired on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Presented by: Claudia Quintanilla and Katie Heffner of Rare. Description: Environmental challenges are also behavioral challenges; solving them requires behavioral solutions. Rare and its Center for Behavior & the Environment (BE.Center) applies behavioral science to help tackle some of the world’s most pressing environmental issues. This webinar will explore behavior-centered design, how it can be applied to marine conservation programs, and examples of successful cases from around the world – with challenge areas ranging from marine pollution to small-scale fishery management. Presenters will share actionable resources tools and other practical guides to apply behavioral insights in marine conservation programs.

Ocean Governance for MPA Managers: Exchanging experiences between South-East Asia and the Atlantic

This webinar originally aired on Thursday, May 5, 2022. Presented by: Purificaciò Canals, Team Leader of the Ocean Governance Project. Description: The European Union Ocean Governance project brings together partners from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia to improve the work of MPA managers in the field. The Ocean Governance project has developed two self-assessment tools for MPAs – the Coastal Resilience Self-Assessment Tool and the Marine Mammals Self-Assessment Tool. It also connects regional and national networks and learning exchanges of MPA managers, promotes transboundary cooperation for marine protection, and is working to restore sites in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines. This webinar will provide an overview of the whole project as well as present the two self-assessment tools.

Using Regulatory Data to Inform Marine Spatial Planning Efforts

This webinar originally aired on April 28, 2022. Presented by: Deirdre Brannigan of ProtectedSeas. Being able to access rules and regulations in marine protected areas (MPAs) is critical to understanding which MPAs or OECM (other effective conservation measures) have restrictions in place to meet conservation goals. The ProtectedSeas Navigator mapping project is a one-stop resource for policymakers to find out where MPAs are located as well as discover the existing regulations and evaluate their various levels of protection. This regulations-based tool can be used to inform protection analyses and aid in forecasting other areas that need protection. Currently ProtectedSeas has data for over 15,500 MPAs in more than 106 countries –the only place this comprehensive repository of information and data exists. ProtectedSeas is in a formal public-private partnership with the US NOAA MPA Center. This webinar will be of special interest to MPA managers, resource protection staff, policy makers, scientists, and the conservation community who are interested in assessing ocean conservation regulations and protection metrics.

BlueMooring: A sustainable solution for managing MPA moorings and financing marine conservation activities

This webinar originally aired on April 6, 2022. Presented by: Yousr Ben Fadhel and Louis Vercauteren of BlueSeeds. BlueSeeds is a French company that helps MPAs reach financial sustainability and increase the effectiveness of their conservation activities. BlueSeeds believes that one way of supporting MPA managers is to provide them practical tools that can make their day-to-day management work easier while also financing some of their conservation activities. To this end, BlueSeeds has developed a web app that MPA managers can use to manage the booking of their MPA moorings. With this tool, MPA managers can control and monitor the recreational use of the MPA, communicate more easily with visitors, and generate conservation revenues from the paid booking of moorings managed through the web app.

Verra Standards for Sustainability, Resilience, and Carbon (including Blue carbon, Coastal Resilience, and Plastic Waste Reduction)

This webinar originally aired on March 16, 2022. Presented by: Sinclair Vincent, Anna Mortimer, and Kristen Linscott of Verra. Verra is a nonprofit organization that develops and provides standards that drive investment toward high-impact activities addressing environmental and social challenges across the globe. The rigorous process to meet Verra’s standards include independent verification and issuance of claims and credits. Verra’s standards are employed by a broad variety of governments, corporations and other private actors, and NGOs around the world. This webinar will present Verra’s programs in climate and sustainability focusing on standards in Blue Carbon to sequester carbon dioxide, Coastal Resilience to improve protection of human and environmental assets, and Plastic Waste Reduction to reduce waste ending up in the environment and incentivize recycling.

New tool for assessing the environmental impacts of wave energy projects

This webinar originally aired on March 1, 2022. Presented by: Ibon Galparsoro of AZTI. Marine renewable energies are gaining momentum around the world due to the need to develop safe energy sources that can help the world decarbonize and fight climate change. However, the full potential of energy from waves, currents and wind has yet to be tapped – in part due to uncertainty about how energy conversion devices may impact the marine environment. AZTI has developed a new tool – the WEC-ERA Tool – to assess the ecological risk of wave energy converters. This is an open-access tool for managers, decisionmakers, industry and others to evaluate the environmental risks associated with new wave energy projects. The tool evaluates how three different wave power conversion technologies – oscillating water column, oscillating wave surge converters, and wave turbines – affect the ecosystem. The system addresses all phases of the lifecycle of those power conversion technologies, from installation to operation to dismantling. This tool is intuitive and easy to use. The characteristics of the proposed installation are entered (i.e., number of units, total authorized surface, installed production capacity in megawatts, project lifespan in years, and area reserved for the equipment). Results consider possible impacts on the seabed and native bird, mammal, fish, reptile, and cephalopod species.