
Upcoming Webinars

Insights and tools for combining governance approaches for more effective and equitable MPAs

Tuesday, October 1, 10 am US EDT/7 am US PDT/2 pm UTC/3 pm BST/4 pm CEST. Presented by: Peter Jones of University College London. Description: The MPA Governance Project has analyzed 50 MPA case studies in 24 countries (Open Access source here) and finds : 1) a strong correlation between the effectiveness of MPAs and the number of governance incentives used; 2) that combinations of economic, legal, communication, knowledge and participatory incentives are employed in effective MPAs and mostly needed in less effective MPAs; and 3) that there are no ‘magic wand’ incentives or ‘best practice’ combinations of incentives that guarantee MPA effectiveness. This webinar will provide an overview of the 50 case studies through the conceptual lens of coevolutionary governance of social-ecological systems, discussing generally applicable findings and the wider importance of functionally integrated combinations of diverse incentives. It will show that effectiveness is not determined by any specific governance approaches or incentives, but rather the combination of a diversity of functionally integrated incentives, which interact with and support one another to promote MPA effectiveness and resilience, i.e. diversity is the key to resilience, both of species in ecosystems and incentives in governance systems.

The new Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS): Coordinating the global community to provide data to inform policy

Wednesday, October 23, 10 am US EDT/7 am US PDT/2 pm UTC/4 pm CEST. Presented by: Audrey Hasson of Mercator Ocean International. Description: The Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS), supported by GEO Blue Planet and the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), is establishing a global ocean observing system to provide open access data on marine litter and provide coordination and guidance for the global marine debris community. An integrated global marine debris observing system is essential for accurately assessing the extent of marine debris pollution and determining mitigation actions. In the context of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee developing an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, IMDOS will foster the delivery of the necessary data to inform effective actions, set realistic targets, and develop, implement, and adjust policies. In addition, projects working on the global observation, monitoring, and forecasting of marine litter can make their work visible in the IMDOS directory of initiatives. Being part of this directory will also give practitioners direct access to all news and events that IMDOS will be organizing. For more information on the Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS) and to add information on relevant projects and initiatives, please visit https://imdos.org.

Marine Monitor (M2): Understanding and tracking human activity in nearshore coastal environments

Tuesday, October 29, 1 pm US EDT/10 am US PDT/5 pm UTC. Presented by: Samantha King and Brendan Tougher of ProtectedSeas Marine Monitor (M2). Description: The ProtectedSeas Marine Monitor (M2) system is a shore-based monitoring platform that integrates X-band marine radar, AIS, and optical cameras with custom software to autonomously track and report on vessel activity in nearshore coastal environments. M2 is used for a variety of applications by government agencies, law enforcement personnel, researchers, and NGOs to better inform decision making related to human use in and around marine managed areas. M2 has over 250 unique users from 70 organizations and has been deployed to over 30 locations in 12 countries. This webinar will present an overview of the system and some current applications and answer questions about how it can be deployed in new areas.

Past Webinars

Urban Ocean: Partnering to advance clean, healthy cities for clean, healthy seas

This webinar originally aired on February 24, 2022. Presented by: Steve Morrison of NOAA, Jenna Jambeck of the University of Georgia, and Keri Browder of the Ocean Conservancy. This webinar will present the NOAA Marine Debris Program and its partnerships to curb plastic waste. It will cover the program’s overarching portfolio and goals as well as one of its programs – Urban Ocean. Led by Ocean Conservancy and in close collaboration with University of Georgia’s New Materials Institute and Circularity Informatics Lab, Urban Ocean provides a platform for city governments to connect with one another as well as with community leaders, academia, and the private sector to develop, share, and scale solutions to the ocean plastics crisis while progressing their broader urban development priorities. The webinar will showcase Urban Ocean’s recent findings and outputs, including the results of the Circularity Assessment Protocol in each of the learning cities and the recently released Urban Ocean Toolkit.

Marine Connectivity Conservation “Rules of Thumb” for MPA and MPA Network Design

This webinar originally aired on February 8, 2022. Presented by: Barbara Lausche of Mote Marine Laboratory and the IUCN-WCPA Marine Connectivity Working Group and Mary Collins of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation. To help guide, enhance, and restore ecological connectivity of the ocean, the IUCN WCPA has released a new publication entitled “Marine Connectivity Conservation ‘Rules of Thumb’ for MPA and MPA Network Design.” This publication provides broadly applicable guidance on connectivity for MPA managers. This webinar will highlight several of the 13 ‘Rules of Thumb’ and how they can help guide integration of connectivity into conservation activities – ranging from interactions across the land-sea interface to the movement of currents and migratory species around the world and across political boundaries.

Never let a good failure go to waste: Learning from conservation failure

This webinar originally aired on 25 January 2022. Presented by: Allison Catalano from work conducted at Imperial College London. How does your organization handle failure? Failure or outcomes that are less than successful are not uncommon in conservation initiatives, yet we rarely discuss failure in systematic ways that make use of the learning opportunities failure presents. Here we will discuss alternate ways to think about failure and the individual and interpersonal dynamics that make it challenging.

Planning for Coastal and Marine Heritage in a Changing Climate

This webinar originally aired on 16 December 2021. Presented by: Erin Seekamp of North Carolina State University. Heritage sites represent our inherited traditions, objects, monuments, and land and seascapes that provide cultural connections and identities as well as societal benefits.

Supporting self-financing mechanisms in MPAs

This webinar originally aired on 17 November 2021. Presented by: Guillaume Le Port and Nastazia Femmami of BlueSeeds. The webinar described two support programs: visitor fees and concession agreements. These programs empower and build MPA staff’s capacity to manage their site or network’s local financing mechanisms over the long term.

MPAs as Part of the Climate Solution: The Role of Blue Carbon

This webinar originally aired on 26 October 2021. Presented by: Sara Hutto of the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Well-managed marine protected areas (MPAs) protect valuable blue carbon habitats and processes, and they must be included in global and national mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change.

Turning the tide of parachute science

This webinar originally aired on 21 October 2021. Presented by: Paris Stefanoudis of the University of Oxford and Sheena Talma of the Nekton Foundation. Parachute science is the practice whereby international scientists, typically from higher-income countries, conduct field studies in another country, typically of lower income, and then complete the research in their home country without any further effective communication and engagement with others from that nation.

Blueprint for Coastal Adaptation

This webinar originally aired on 13 October 2021. Presented by: Samuel Brody of the Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas at Texas A&M University at Galveston, Carlos Martin with the Brookings Institution’ Metropolitan Policy Program, and Carolyn Kousky of the Wharton Risk Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Sea level rise will cause interrelated challenges in communities around the United States. The issues extend far beyond land use planning to affect housing policy, financing for public infrastructure, insurance, fostering healthier coastal ecosystems, and more.

How to do science so it influences marine policy and management: A panel discussion with a focus on Latin America, Caribbean, and African contexts

This webinar originally aired on 28 September 2021. Moderator/panelists: Peter Edwards of The Pew Charitable Trusts (moderator), Rodrigo Arriagada of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (panelist), Nicole Leotaud of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (panelist), and David Obura of CORDIO East Africa. Many environmental scientists find that their research has less impact in the real world than they hoped for or expected.