The Skimmer on Marine Ecosystems and Management

Latest News and Resources for Ocean Planners and Managers

New marine planning and management trainings added to Skimmer database New tools compilations added to Skimmer database New resource available for finding ocean webinars One-fifth of ocean floor now mapped (while less than one-fifth of deep sea life is identifiable) New study assesses vulnerability of shellfish aquaculture to climate change…

Latest News and Resources for Ocean Planners and Managers

Seychelles finalizes plan to protect 30% of its EEZ, ~400,000 sq. km Great Barrier Reef suffers most widespread mass bleaching to date Silt and nutrient runoff from Australian wildfires likely to impact coastal ecosystems Study identifies 10 priority sites for protecting biodiversity in ABNJ Climate change may shift where marine…

We’ve added nine new games!

Last month, The Skimmer released a compilation of role-playing/simulation games to educate stakeholders, professionals, students, and the general public about aspects of coastal and marine conservation, management, and adaptation. We’ve just added nine more games to the game compilation. Check out the newbies: Ahli Bakua EcoOcean Fishbanks by MIT Sloan…